Books containing information about Bichirs and Ropefish
Below is a list of books that contain information relating to Bichirs and Ropefish.
The Bichir Handbook
Joshua Pickett
Independent Publishing Network 2020
ISBN 978-1-78972-7708
The Bichir Handbook includes contributions from biologists,
paleontologists, ecologists, veterinarians and fishers. It
explores everything from the identification of all fourteen
currently described species of the ancient Polypteridae, to
their aquarium husbandry and some of the first reconstructions
of never-before-seen extinct species of bichir. A must-have
book for bichir enthusiasts.
Polypterus - Bichirs
Frank Schafer
Verlag ACS (Aqualog) 2004
ISBN 3-936027-39-0
The definitive work on bichirs for aquarium hobbyists when
published, and an essential book for any
Polypterus enthusiast. Features information on keeping
Polyperids in the aquarium, followed by details about each
species and a comprehensive collection of photographs of the
known species at the time.
Jurassic Fishes
Haruto Kodera et al
TFH 1994 (English translation), Reprinted 1996
ISBN 0-7938-0086-2
Although a bit out of date with names now, this book is well
worth having for any Polypterus enthusiast. It contains
some superb photographs and was the first hobbyist-orientated
book with comprehensive information on Polypterus, as
well as other primitive fishes. Contains several pages on
raising Bichirs, as well as two sections on breeding
Air-Breathing Fishes - Evolution, Diversity and Adaptation.
Jeffrey B. Graham
Academic Press 1997
ISBN 0-12-294860-2
Contains a page on the natural history of Polypteridae with
references, and makes a number of references throughout the
book to the anatomy and physiology of Polypteridae, as well as
other primitive fishes such as Protopteridae.
The Rise of Fishes - 500 million years of evolution
John A. Long
John Hopkins University Press 1995 (2nd edition, 2011)
ISBN 0-8018-5438-5
Mainly for more general interest on the evolution of primitive
fishes rather than for information on Polypteridae
specifically, the book makes reference to the place of
Polypteridae in the evolution of fishes. Oddly, it refers to
"reedfish" as the common name for Polypterus species.